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Seizing Opportunities: A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing on Amazon

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My last post left off with I am retired now what?

This blog serves as a chronicle of my journey after retirement, detailing my dedication to achieving the goals I’ve set for this new chapter in life. It is my testing of the universal laws of attraction and my spiritual journey guided by the universe.

What does this have to do with how to self-publish on Amazon? Well, perhaps nothing to you, but this was part of my journey. I want to share with you my experience to hopefully motivate you on your path. If you are looking to self-publish a book, here is how I went about it to get my book When Opportunity Knocks published using Kindle Direct Publishing

The first step you must take is write the damn book. Do not be intimidated because you do not hold a degree from Harvard in English Literature. When I first wrote my book in 1994 there were no internet submissions for manuscripts, and you had to submit them by mail. This included a cover sheet with your credentials, at the time I was working as a nurse that gave immunizations to children so that was a stretch to cover why I was fit to write a children’s book. I mean I worked with kids right?  The most prestigious credential was that I took a Readers Digest Writing Course. Well, I was rejected 6 times and I just kept telling myself that Dr Suess was rejected 65 times. I did but submitting my book on hold for a few decades until the 21st century. Where you can now publish your book on Amazon at no cost to you. So, what are you waiting for let’s do this!

Self-publishing a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to get you started:

  1. Create a KDP Account: Sign up for a free account on Kindle Direct Publishing if you don’t already have one.
  2. Add a New Title: Once logged in, click on “Create a New Title” and choose whether you want to publish an eBook or a paperback.
  3. Enter Book Details: Fill in your book’s details, including title, subtitle, author name, and description.
  4. Set Your Primary Language: Indicate the primary language of your book.
  5. Upload Your Manuscript: Prepare your manuscript in a format accepted by KDP (like .doc, .docx, or .pdf) and upload it.
  6. Design Your Cover: Create a cover that meets KDP’s guidelines or use the Cover Creator tool provided by KDP.
  7. Set Your Price: Decide on the pricing for your book. You can choose between two royalty options: 35% or 70%.
  8. Publish: Review all the details, and if everything looks good, hit the “Publish” button. Your book should appear on Amazon within 72 hours.

What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

Remember, you retain full control over your content, pricing, and rights. You can also update your book or its details at any time after publishing. For a more detailed guide, you can visit Amazon’s KDP guide

Good luck with your publishing journey!

Today Pawtalksop is opportunity to be an author.

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