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The Power to Stop Opposition: Empower Yourself for Change and Well-being

“They didn’t tell you?  You poor fool,” he went on. “They probably sent you in here to fight me alone. They are a bunch of losers. It would be easy and less uncomfortable for you to just give it up and believe all I tell you. Come, join me. You will never have to think again. I will decide everything for you. It will be a very simple life for you.

This is an excerpt from When Opportunity Knocks. I wrote it to teach kids valuable lessons and how to spell. In this chapter, the narrator faces Opposition—a negative Op that thrives on intimidation and fear. At first, the weight of Opposition feels overwhelming, like a dark cloud blocking all hope. But then the narrator yells STOP! At that moment, the dark cloud of Opposition begins to shrink. All it took was the courage to stand up and speak the word: STOP, by fighting back with strength and determination and choosing to act in a way that finds hope. The narrator realizes something incredible—they had the power to push back all along.

I first wrote this in 1994, and it still seems applicable to life today. Does that mean nothing has changed in thirty-plus years? I don’t think so, but in life we are all faced with the decision to sit back and take the negativity that surrounds us or stand up for what we believe in. How do we fight opposition in our own lives to rid ourselves of fear and empower ourselves with hope for our future?

We hold the power to choose how we respond, whether with negativity or positivity. When confronted with opposition and fear, it’s natural to feel emotions like anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, or even helplessness. These feelings, whether sparked by political, social, or personal challenges, can weigh heavily on both our minds and bodies. Yet, in those moments, I can choose determination. And with determination comes empowerment, a path to strength and control over my own journey.

Empowerment comes from recognizing your inner strength to face opposition, making intentional choices to act, and cultivating habits that reinforce resilience. Each time you fight back with positivity and purposeful action, you strengthen your ability to thrive, regardless of the challenge. Whether the obstacle is small or large, you decide how significant it is to overcome and how much effort you are willing to invest to succeed.

I asked my pug MG her thoughts on this, and MJ says she fights opposition by barking. She’s so smart! I agree, that’s a great first step: make your voice heard. But be careful how you ‘bark’ on social media; it might just send you back to reread my Hope vs. Anger: Finding Balance in a Changing Worldfor a little self-reflection!

When I say “find your voice,” I don’t mean making nasty comments or shouting louder than those you oppose. True power lies in thoughtful, purposeful action, not in aggression or negativity. If you’re walking around feeling weighed down by the belief that you’re powerless, think again. History is full of examples of individuals who changed the course of events by taking a stand, or sitting down, as in the case of Rosa Parks. She didn’t lead a march or give a speech; she inspired a movement simply by sitting down in defiance of injustice. Her quiet courage reminds us that even small acts can create ripple effects that inspire others.

If fear of the future has been weighing on you, don’t let it paralyze you. Instead, take a stand. You don’t need to start a revolution to make a change. Sometimes, all it takes is to put up a roadblock against negativity or injustice, no matter how small it might seem.

Remember, finding your voice isn’t about silencing others; it’s about expressing yourself in ways that inspire and uplift. Whether you join a group, volunteer for a cause, or simply decide not to accept the unacceptable, you will feel a shift in your perspective. These are tiny steps that can have enormous effects, like releasing “feel-good” hormones. A shift in perspective can stimulate the release of increased dopamine and serotonin, which boost mood and create feelings of contentment, and who doesn’t want that?

Over the years, I’ve spent time exploring different perspectives, learning from diverse viewpoints to shape how I want my life to look. Some days are harder than others, but every day, I make the conscious decision to embrace opportunity, optimism, and hope. It’s a daily fight, but it is worth it to have a life filled with purpose and positivity.

This is my stand, my commitment to facing opposition not with anger or despair but with a resolve to build something brighter. Collectively, if we change our perspective for the greater good, we may feel the current atmosphere we are weighed down by lift.

Here are some suggestions that can help you feel empowered.

It’s understandable to feel weighed down by the current political climate, social issues, or even personal struggles, but channeling those emotions into practical actions can help lighten that burden. Here are a few ideas, ranging from small to large, to help you feel more empowered and less heavy about the situation:

  • When I click on the news articles, I must remind myself that I am clicking on them because they got me. The job of the news is to get people to read the articles they write by using click bait. In recent years, with colloquial terms like “fake news” flying around, the trust in our sources may have waned. Education and knowledge are a great superpower, if you are getting the right information. Knowledge reduces feelings of helplessness. It equips you with the tools to have constructive conversations and understand the nuances of the situation. Instead of feeling the fear or rage they are trying to “click bait” you with, do your own research. Find out if what you oppose, or fear is even true.
  • If you feel strongly enough to oppose it, you may want to go further. Find an organization or initiative that aligns with your values. This can be as simple as joining a group on social media or volunteering. I am sure you can find organizations that support things like voter registration drives, environmental clean-ups, or local food pantries, and volunteer a few hours each month. This can be a more involved commitment but contributing to a cause helps you feel like you’re making a tangible difference and connects you with like-minded people which can reduce some stress. Engaging in meaningful activities and contributing to a cause can activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps counteract the stress response by slowing your heart rate, reducing cortisol levels, and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. This physiological shift supports mental clarity and emotional balance. Who knew that getting involved would have a health benefit as well! Win! Win!
  • If that is not your jam, you may want to consider being an advocate for change. I recently sent a letter to one of our representatives just to give a show of support for their cause, and the dopamine was flying high, and the anger I felt at the opposition for the cause dissipated. You too can write letters or emails to your local representatives about issues that matter to you. Use respectful, solution-focused language to express your perspective. Advocacy gives you a voice in the process and reminds you that your opinions can influence policy decisions, no matter how small the issue.
  • One simple way I chose to make a difference on an issue I care deeply about was by creating care bags filled with gloves, socks, water, and food to give to individuals experiencing homelessness. This small gesture inspired me to take the next step and get involved with an organization that supports this community. If there is a larger issue you want to tackle, start or join a group focused on a specific issue, such as education reform, healthcare, or environmental conservation. Collaborate to raise awareness, host events, or create solutions. Being part of a collective effort reduces isolation, increases your sense of purpose, and amplifies the impact of your work.
  • If you feel strongly about driving change, explore leadership roles in your community, such as joining a school board, a local council, or even running for office. This is a larger commitment, but to see real change, it starts at the local level. Becoming a decision-maker allows you to directly shape policies and initiatives, giving you the power to turn frustration into actionable change.

By starting small and gradually building toward larger commitments, you can find a path that suits your interests, energy levels, and time. Each step you take will empower you and lighten the emotional weight of feeling powerless in the current climate or opposition you are feeling.

If you are feeling a “certain kind of way today,” take a stand for change; it starts with you. I do not think we realize the potential power we all have within us. We can be just as strong as our strongest opponent. Sure, it might take determination and a little hard work, but surrendering to hopelessness only hands victory to the opposition. Opposition counts on us to be paralyzed with our own self-doubt so they can defeat us without a fight. Let’s not go down without a fight, let your voice or even your bark be heard! Together, we can prove that hope and action are unbeatable.

Patricia A Woods: PAW talks stop opposition

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My mission is to empower individuals through inspiration, motivation, and education, by sharing my life’s experiences and cultivated resources, to embrace all challenges – whether perceived as positive or negative – as gifts from the universe to strengthen their resilience. To ignite a mindset of opportunity, optimism, and hope, helping others recognize that every obstacle and difficulty they encounter holds the prospect for change and personal transformation. To encourage a determination to navigate life’s journey with courage, viewing each challenge as a path to emerge stronger, wiser, and more capable of creating a positive life abundant with meaning and hope.

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